About Us
The Warm Your Neighbor, or “WYN” program was established by B&B Propane in the summer of 2009. The Southeast Iowa and Northeast Missouri regions were facing serious economic downturns. In addition to the decline in the local job markets, the sudden loss of a family member or an unexpected medical expense can severely impact a family. The B&B Propane staff realized that there was a real need for help in the areas they service. Many families, who took pride in being responsible and paid their bills on time, were facing temporary setbacks that resulted in a financial impact that left them struggling to afford their heating costs.
In 9 Years:
Our own Jet Stop convenience store employees have raise almost $10,000.00 during their annual fall campaigns. Local schools joined the fund raising efforts and have donated over $2,800.00 to “WYN”. Generous donations from individuals, businesses and schools have seen the “WYN” fund grow to $118,000.00!
B&B Propane matches every donation to “WYN” DOLLAR for DOLLAR!
Donations + the B&B Propane match = $236,000.00 for local families!
Over 500 families in Southeast Iowa, Northeast Missouri and Western Illinois have been helped by the “WYN” program.